Your Favorite Tool in Your High-Ticket Sales Tool Belt.

Yes, this is exactly what you've been looking for. Beginner, intermediate, or advanced, there is a use-case for everybody here inside of The Serial Sales Community.


20+ Hours Video Content

This is not another overly-expensive regurgitated sales training program. The content inside is specifically built around navigating the high-ticket sales industry. Finding jobs, completing due diligence, managing expectations, managing the transition, fast-tracking $10k/mo, all the way down to creating your entity both inside and outside of the United States. While there are absolutely sections for beginners on how to sell, sales pros with previous training will still benefit tremendously from the concepts covered inside.


100+ Active Members

Get immediate access our exclusive network of both new and experienced remote appointment setters, closers, sales managers, and owners. Connect with those in a similar position as you work your way through the ranks, while having direct access to people a few steps ahead. In the long run, your network in this underground high-ticket sales world will be imperative to your success. The saying "It's not what you know, but who you know" couldn't be anymore accurate.


Everything Else

Inside of the community, you'll have all the necessary resources and support to handle anything that comes your way. Hop in to coordinate role-play sessions, have your job opportunities reviewed, get feedback on your call recordings, have scripts tweaked, get advice from others, and receive valid insight on any high-ticket sales or performance related concerns you have. If you're facing it someone else has too. That person is inside, guaranteed.

Member Favorites

Job Opportunities

Get access to exclusive high-ticket sales opportunities daily. Volume wise, the most. Quality-wise, the best.

Weekly Live Calls

Immediate access to weekly live calls. We host three open-floor calls per week inside. Anything sales-related welcome.

1-on-1 with Dylan

Once inside, you'll book your free 1-on-1 consult with Dylan. Experience aside, you'll leave better than you joined.

A Winning Environment

Submerse yourself into a network where people are being hired and paid every single day. Seeing is believing.

What we're up to

Growing Our Network

Join a vast network made up of those in pursuit of their first online dollar, those clearing $5k, $10k, $20k months, and those pushing to $100k per month and beyond. No sales experience or years and millions under your belt in another industry, your people are in here.

Learning The Ropes

Inside of the community, you'll learn everything needed to navigate the high-ticket sales industry. No matter where you're from or what professional background you've got, you will benefit from the information covered if you're new to high-ticket sales. The course content will evolve with the market.

Connecting Regularly

Inside, we host three group live calls per week (and adding more soon). Hop in at anytime gain insight from people who are exactly where you're looking to be. The calls are generally open-floor, but we do allow topic requests like call reviews, script re-writes, etc. beforehand if applicable.

Sharing Opportunities

The best sales opportunities are not blasted into the general public. They're filled through private networks just like this one. Inside, you get first dibs on exclusive opportunities that will never be shared anywhere else. All opportunities are vetted as quality before sent your way.

Helping Others

In sales, you never "finish" learning. Day five, week five, month five, or year five, your skillset will be tested, requiring constant iteration. The higher you rise through the ranks, the tougher your problems become to solve. The community equips you with resources to solve the most complex of sales problems.

Getting Hired

One of the leading reasons people join the community is because of the job opportunities inside. We've had countless members get hired onto some of the top teams with top influencers, through postings that were never announced to the general public. The roles inside are second-to-none.

Getting Paid

Practically everybody gets into sales for the same reason. To get paid, and get paid well. And you best believe members are being paid. If you're looking to position yourself to earn your old weekly paycheck in a 45-minute Zoom call, look no further. Without a doubt, this is the place to make it happen.

See for yourself

The goods

Recieve lifetime access to the following upon joining:


  • An active network of sales pros

  • Exclusive job opportunities

  • Direct access to all members

  • Direct access to Dylan and team

  • Priority on Serial Agency roles

  • Role-play sessions with others

  • 3x weekly live calls (open floor)

  • Connect with others on socials

  • Access to shared resources


  • 20 hours of HTS content

  • Frameworks for all sales roles

  • Recordings of all guest speakers

  • Ability to request new content

  • Most up-to-date strategies

  • Previous live-call recordings

  • Access to tested processes

  • Optional: Automation Pack

  • Optional: 1-on-1 with Dylan


  • 3-4 hrs 1-1 with Dylan

  • 1-1 Client Success Manager

  • Access to other coaches

  • Group call-recording review

  • Feedback on job opportunities

  • Script assistance for any role

  • Valuable templates/resources

  • Group "wins" channel to celebrate

  • Answers to any HTS questions

Meet the founder

Hey, I'm Dylan

For the sake of you knowing who you're learning from, here's a bit about myself.I was born and raised in Texas, still here actually. In the earlier years, I never had a desire to be a doctor, astronaut, or police officer like other kids. I just wanted to hang out with my friends and have fun. I had always kind of thought that I'd figure it out when it was time. In 4th grade, I picked up skateboarding, and that really became my social/creative outlet until the end of high school. The nature of skateboarding culture was pretty against the grain, leading me to develop into what many would consider (including myself) an introvert.The transition into high school was when this title really started to consume me. I was that tall, skinny, quiet kid. I had my core group of friends, but outside of them, I had no desire to meet anyone new. At the time, I was content. As long as I could skateboard with my boys, everything was a-ok.Senior year, I was faced with the same decision as many at this age. To go to college or not... Due to a few factors (like having a military-funded tuition), I decided to go to my local university where I eventually graduated with a B.S. in Construction Science and Management.

In order to graduate, an internship was required. Coincidently, in my last year of college, COVID shut everything down, including most internships (hence virtual graduation photo above^). I was scrambling.Fast forward through many interviews and updates on internships being cancelled, I landed with a local roofing company as a project manager. This was not ideal, but I took it solely to satisfy my internship requirement.I hit the ground running, making my $18/hr, and I slowly started to have this concerning feeling. This feeling of "This is it?". I'd always been a high performer. Could always pull good grades with less effort, would always compete and hold myself to a high-standard whenever possible. No matter how good or bad I did, I was getting my $18/hr. And my classmates weren't having it much better. Working 80 hour weeks managing neighborhood new construction in South Texas. This is when I realized that this career path would not give me the life I desired.At this point, I started dipping my toes into estimating for the company. I eventually convinced them to let me shadow the lead estimator as he'd go estimate and sell the jobs to homeowners. Estimators made much more money than PM's. There was this one call we went on, in a very nice neighborhood and home, and I watched this dude bomb the sale. I knew I could do better.As the season gets busier and busier, they eventually let me start running overflow leads, and I start having immediate success. As soon as I got the estimating part down, they fired the lead guy that I had previously been shadowing. They made their bets on me, the pressure was on.

Very quickly I realized that this estimating position was not about the estimating. It was sales. This was a sales job and if I could estimate but not sell, I wouldn't find any success. Well- it didn't take long to figure everything out, and I closed out my first month with $60k in sales, about 4-5 roofing jobs sold.Those first commissions were like crack. I fell in love with the competitive nature of the role. Being responsible for my own income, choosing when I work and when I don't. Looking back now, younger me didn't really care what the vehicle was to become successful, but he wanted to do it on his own terms, without somebody breathing down his back.Fast forward through year one of being on the sales team, and I was the first sales rep to clear over $1mm/yr in sales, totaling out to about $1.5mm in year one. I had the highest closing ratio and volume signed month after month after month. I received the trophy that you'll see in the photo above, as well as an all-expenses paid trip to NYC for my girlfriend and I. I was at the top of the mountain.

Eventually, as man does, I started thinking, "what's next?". By this point, I had about $2.5mm in sales under my belt, made well-over my first six figures, and was pacing a $150k-$180k year my second year in sales. I had a couple of close calls on some of the old roofs, losing my footing, sliding to the edge, and even stepping clean through one. Every roof I got on, I realized that I was one percent closer to becoming a trade statistic of one of the most dangerous industries in the world.

About this time in early 2022, I came back to money Twitter. Yes, back to money Twitter. In 2018 I had a copywriting stint, signed my first client for $800/mo, and got hooked on online money. I tried it all. Dropshipping, email marketing, theme pages, facebook ads for local businesses. Ultimately I decided to focus my efforts on school as I had never gained any serious momentum with any of the business models (in hindsight, I was broke and uneducated lol) but I had always had my eye on what the Money Twitter guys were up to.In January 2022, I stumbled upon a tweet about "high-ticket sales", and everything changed. Within a month, I had gotten connected for a trial as a closer on a hot Youtube Automation offer. Upon accepting this trial, I put my two-weeks notice in with the job that I've been working since my last year of college. I went all in. As soon as my first check of $4k hit with this offer, I was hooked.As spring/summer came around, I'm now fully immersed into the world of high-ticket sales. I had later gone on to help that team establish their appointment setting team and systems, and eventually accepted an offer with another team.

This was not easy. I had my fair share of poor opportunities after leaving the first one. I'd make some money, but then something would happen. Marketing would dip, I'd get catphished into poor opportunities, I'd get shiny object syndrome, all the normal stuff. I eventually settled on a great fitness coaching offer, which I spent the rest of the year closing for. I spent around 8 months with this team, and really learned the ropes of high-ticket sales and what it takes to scale a team under great management.This whole time, I was taking 3-5 calls per day, spending a lot of time doing things I actually liked to do. Spending time outside, going to the gym, hanging with friends. It was the perfect lifestyle gig.

I eventually parted ways with this team for a new opportunity. Over the next 6 months, I ventured into more of the B2B space as I was seeking more leverage over my time. Even to this day, I am still closing for a B2B company, and I actually just sent out a $7,500 invoice an hour before writing this (fingers crossed they close).In January of 2022, I came back onto money Twitter to document the transition. Presumably because of my sales experience, people began to gravitate towards my content. Many asking how they can do the same. In July of 2022, the community was born. Writing this now just about a year later, I've now helped over 200 people land their first or next sales job in this high-ticket space, and I'm not looking to slow down anytime soon.Now if you've made it this far, the message I'd like you to take away is this:Sales has created me the life I wanted but didn't know how to get. Money is no longer an issue, and I'm in the best mental and physical shape of my life. I wake up everyday excited to have the chance to become better and earn more. Because of this skill, my future family will be well taken care of.I am not a natural sales person. If you would have asked younger me what he though about sales people, it probably wouldn't be anything positive. I did not have the personality or charm for sales. When I got into sales, people were shocked. I even shocked myself to be honest. But for me, I saw a vehicle. A vehicle that'd lead me where I wanted to be in life, without absolutely hating the ride. Sales is not what most people think it is. Sales is helping genuine people with genuine problems. The larger the problem, the more money you make.If I can do it, so can you.

Next steps

Here's how you can join the squad

If you've already booked- disregard this.

  1. Once you have decided that this is the right path for you, book an application call below

  2. Upon the application call, you'll be vetted by Dylan or the team to make sure expectations are aligned on both ends

  3. Assuming everything checks out, we willl take care of all onboarding steps together.

  4. You will be granted immediate access to the group and everything inside

  5. You'll book your 30-minute 1-on-1 consult with Dylan

  6. You'll be on your way to make the most out of high-ticket sales with your new community

If you're ready to join, book your application call below ↓

If you have questions first, contact me at, or reach out to me on any social media platform @serialsales.

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Business Owner and Appointment Setter Trainer

"Started business on the 7th, signed first client on the 10th from the hiring section."


Landed First Sales Job Through The Community

"The CEO told me there were 15 applicants, but I stood out because of this community."


Previously Managed 150-Person Corp. Sales Team

"I found an opportunity that was an angel-funded start up for cash and equity."


$50k MRR Agency Owner

"I think it's a no-brainer, the value is truly there."
*Dan's agency now does over $100k/mo


Appointment Setter and Closer

"Hopped into the community and within two days I was able to land my first role"


Landed 6-Figure Closing Role in The Community

"On track for an easy six figure year, working 5-6 hours per day. It's insane."


Full-Time Engineer, Part-Time Closer

"Within a month I was able to land an opportunity and sell $19k worth while doing my 9-5."


Brand New Member Looking For First Sales Role

"I found that I'm just enjoying the process a lot more by having people that I can do this with."


Made First "Online Money" From Columbia

"I joined the group and 3 hours later I was already in a job."


Experienced Appointment Setter

"I joined on a Thursday and had my first interview the next Monday"


Appointment Setter

"I even said you should raise the price, I get the most value out of this."


Top Performing Tech SDR and Appointment Setter

"I was able to get a gig and make $4.5k in my first month on top of my tech SDR position."


Top-Performing Closer

"If I were to lose the offer I was on now, I know 4 or 5 guys in this community who I can hit up."


New Closer Hitting Record Months

"It's the most active community compared to all the others I'm apart of."


Closer and Sales Manager

"In our hiring portion there's new offers every day. I got my offer from someone within the community"

Or take it from Cole on our Sales Bro Pod episode:

Cole is a fellow sales professional and business owner. In 2022 he closed over $8mm in high-ticket sales. Now he closes some of the top names in the NFL for one of his businesses. Hear what he has to say about the community below.

Have questions?

If you're on the fence, shoot me a message!

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